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CDR Policy

To download and save a version of this policy:

1. About us

In this policy, we use the terms ‘Powershop,’ ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ to refer to Powershop Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 41 154 914 075) (Powershop), an energy retailer supplying energy to businesses and homes in Victoria, NSW, south-east Queensland and South Australia. We are part of Shell Energy Australia.

This Consumer Data Right Policy (Policy) applies only to Powershop.

2. Overview of Consumer Data Right

Introduced to the Federal Government, the Consumer Data Right (CDR) is an opt-in data sharing service that started in the energy sector in November 2022. This service allows you to share and access your data with CDR accredited parties, with the intention to enhance competition. Powershop is a designated data holder under the CDR.

The CDR is regulated by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), and the Data Standards Body (DSB).

3. About this Policy

This Policy describes your rights as an eligible customer under the CDR legislation and explains how:

  • your consent for sharing CDR data will be gained and withdrawn;

  • requested CDR data will be provided;

  • your CDR data will be shared with Accredited Data Recipients (ADRs);

  • your requests to access, correct or update your CDR data will be actioned;

  • you can make a complaint about how your CDR data is being handled; and

  • you can access information about your rights in relation to CDR services.

The most recent version of this Policy is available on our website. Alternatively, and you can ask us to send you a copy of the latest version free of charge, either electronically or a paper copy. If you require this policy to be provided in a different format, we ask that you contact us on one of the details below so that we can accommodate this request for you.

4. Data available under the CDR

Under the CDR regime, you may request from us the following data sets:

  • Customer data, including –your name, contact details, supply address, business name, ABN

  • Account data, including your account number, date account was created, any unique identifiers associated with the account, product data, payment arrangements, concessions and rebates information

  • Invoice and Billing data – bill information, payment information

  • Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) data – this is data that we will collect from AEMO on your behalf, which includes metering data (usage data), National Meter Identifier (NMI) standing data, and distributed energy resources (DER) data (i.e. solar)

We do not charge a fee for sharing your CDR data.

We’ll only share data as required under the CDR legislation (required consumer data).

We are not currently accepting requests for voluntary consumer or product data.

Where we have any limitations on the data that we can share, please see our CDR FAQ’s page here for more details.

6. Sharing, accessing, and correcting your CDR data

6.1. Sharing your CDR data

When your CDR data will be shared

Your CDR data will only be shared with your nominated authorised data recipient and on the frequency you have agreed to. This may be a one-off authorisation to disclose data or an ongoing sharing arrangement over a defined period of time.

When your request to share your CDR data may be refused

There may be times when your request to share CDR data with an accredited data recipient may be refused. These include the following:

  • when this is necessary to prevent physical or financial harm or abuse (i.e. family and domestic violence);

  • the data relates to an account that is suspended or blocked;

  • when there are reasonable grounds to believe that disclosure of some or all of that data would adversely impact the security, integrity or stability of relevant CDR systems; or

  • when there is a requirement to do so in accordance with any relevant CDR laws and data standards.

If your request to share some or all of your CDR data has been refused, the relevant accredited data recipient will be notified.

6.2. How to access your CDR data

You can ask us for a copy of what CDR data you have authorised to be shared with an accredited data recipient. You can also view any CDR data you have previously asked to share using your CDR dashboard. You can access your CDR dashboard through the link provide you.

From your CDR dashboard, you will be able to:

  • review any existing CDR requests;

  • amend or stop any data sharing arrangements, including consents; and

  • remove your account from a data sharing arrangement.

You may have additional rights to access your CDR data that is also personal information. You can find more information on how to exercise these rights in our Privacy Policy available at (https://www.powershop.com.au/privacy -policy/).

6.3. How to correct your CDR data

If you find any of your CDR data is incorrect, you can contact us to assist you with correcting the data. We will:

  • acknowledge your request in writing as soon as practicable;

  • notify you in writing within 10 business days to let you know if we have:

    • corrected your CDR data;

    • included a statement with your CDR data that we found it accurate, up to date, complete and not misleading; or

    • considered the correction unnecessary or inappropriate (with reasons).

You will not be charged a fee for this.

Where the data you request to be corrected was originally provided by AEMO, we will take the following steps to ensure that it also can be corrected.

Correction required to metering data (usage data) or NMI (national meter identifier) standing data –a correction request will be submitted to AEMO with the details that you have provided.

Correction required to DER register data – unfortunately this information cannot be updated directly, but we will assist you with information for how to get in touch with your distributor to request them to update the incorrect data.

If incorrect CDR data about you has been shared with an accredited data recipient, you will be informed in writing within 5 business days. When the data has been corrected, the corrected data will be shared the next time your data recipient requests it.

You may have additional rights to correct your CDR data that is also personal information, which we hold. You can find more information about how to exercise these rights in our Privacy Policy available at (https://www.powershop.com.au/privacy-policy/).

7. Personal information

Your privacy is very important to us, and we are committed to protecting your personal information. If your CDR data is also personal information (information which can reasonably identify you), additional protections may apply. You can find out how we collect, use and manage your personal information in our Privacy Policy on our website (https://www.powershop.com.au/privacy-policy/).

8. Consumer complaints process

8.1. How to make a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint, we encourage you to give us a call on 1800-462-668 between 8am and 7pm, Monday to Friday and speak to a Customer Service Representative in the first instance. We train all of our representatives to be open, impartial and intuitive. If you are dissatisfied with our initial response, you are able to escalate your query to a complaint using one of the following methods:



between 8am and 7pm, Monday to Friday.

You can request at any time to speak with a Team Leader.




(Subject: CDR Complaint)




Contact Centre Manager, Powershop Australia, GPO Box 1639, Melbourne 3001


1800 881 158

 We will require some information to assist us with your complaint, such as:

  • Name and best contact details

  • The concerns that you wish us to investigate and address

  • Any other information that you think will assist us (i.e. – supporting documentation)

8.2. How your complaint will be dealt with?

When you make a complaint to us, we will respond within two business days to confirm receipt of your complaint. At this stage, your complaint will be logged in our customer management system and you will be assigned a complaint manager to oversee the process. Within five business days of receipt of your complaint we will contact you by either email or phone to discuss your issue. We aim to resolve your complaint within this first contact, but we acknowledge that some complaints cannot be resolved straightaway. If we require further time to investigate, then your complaint manager will be in touch at least once a week to provide an update. You are welcome to contact your complaint manager at any time to inquire if there is an update. We aim to provide a fair and reasonable resolution to all complaints within 20 business days of receipt. If you are not satisfied with the resolution that we offer, you are welcome to request that your complaint be escalated to a higher level within the organisation. This higher-level representative will review your complaint and be in touch with you within 5 business days of any such request.

8.3. Further complaint options

If you are not satisfied with the response you received in relation to your complaint, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Energy & Water Ombudsman in your state. The Ombudsman provides a free and independent dispute resolution service. You can find the details of the Energy & Water Ombudsman in your state below. 

New South Wales

Reply Paid 86550, Sydney South, NSW, 1234 www.ewon.com.au

complaints@ewon.com.au, Free Phone: 1800 246 545 Free Fax: 1800 812 291

Interpreter: 131 450

NRS: 133 677 


PO Box 3640, South Brisbane BC, QLD, 4101 www.ewoq.com.au

Email: complaints@ewoq.com.au or info@ewoq.com.au, Free Phone: 1800 662 837

Fax: (07) 3087 9477

Interpreter: 131 450


Reply Paid 469, Melbourne, VIC, 8060 www.ewov.com.au

Email: ewovinfo@ewov.com.au,

Free Phone: 1800 500 509, Free Fax: 1800 500 549, Interpreter: 131 450, 

South Australia

GPO Box 2947, Adelaide, SA, 5001 www.ewosa.com.au

Free Phone: 1800 665 565

Interpreter: 131 450

NRS: 133 677 

Where you have any other concerns, you may also raise these with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). The OAIC acts as an impartial third party when investigating and resolving a complaint in relation to the handling of your CDR data.

You can contact the OAIC on:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner GPO Box 5218, Sydney, NSW 2001

Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au

Website: oaic.gov.au

Phone: 1300 363 992 

9. Updates to this Policy

We will review this Policy every 12 months, or as and when required by changes made to the CDR regime.

We may also update this Policy at any time by publishing a new version of the CDR policy to our website. We encourage you to periodically visit https://www.powershop.com.au/privacy-policy/cdr-policy for the latest information on our CDR practices.

Last updated on 31/10/2023.